Born and raised in Southern California, Brad received his degree in Music from Santa Barbara City College, then transferred to the Hollywood based Musician's Institute and began his early career as a performing and studio musician. While chasing success in the music business, Brad started working in the Mail Room at Chiat/Day where he got the opportunity to not only sort mail, but to compose and produce music for the Agency. Brad was also introduced to editing. Cut to 8 years later, Brad was running the Post-Production division at Chiat/Day. Even though film editing had grown into an amazing career for Wetmore, when he was approached to work for a major commercial music studio, it became an opportunity he couldn't pass up. So, back to the music business he went, to head up the new Elias Associates office in L.A.
After a short time back in the music business, editing called his number again and this time, editing prevailed. Brad left Elias to work with former colleagues from Chiat, editing with Oasis Editorial, cutting spots for Nissan and Jack in the Box. Then it was on to Jigsaw, where Brad landed the Apple account through Chiat/Day, later taking that editorial work to Mad River Post. While represented by Mad River Post, Brad edited across the country as well as a few projects in Tokyo. Traveling across the U.S., Wetmore landed in Dallas for a while, ultimately moving to Reel FX Creative Studios garnering his first Feature credit for editorial on the animated movie "Everyone's Hero." Additional commercial work in Dallas included spots for The Richards Group through Post-Op Editorial. After living in Dallas for a few years Wetmore returned to L.A., where he was tapped to head up the new post-production division "Orange" in 2011 for Hyundai's ad agency, Innocean. Now, as they have spun off the editorial division into “Swing Set Productions,” as Director of Editorial, Brad and is there every day managing the artists, producing, and cutting tons of content all while and enjoying the Southern California beach life.